Title This: Impact Wrestling Reaction “New Champion Means New Feuds”

The Hardy’s defeated EC3 and Tyrus

impact wrestlingMatt Hardy and EC3 get the action going and Jeff Hardy gets into the ring. He hits a body splash after a suplex from Matt. EC3 punches away and then unloads some kicks. Hardy tags in Matt and then they double team him. Matt hits Side Effect and Tyrus gets into the ring. He hits a massive punch to Matt and then a splash into the corner.

EC3 and Jeff Hardy get into the ring and he splits the legs for a two count. Tyrus knocks them out and drags both of them across the ring. He misses a move from the top and Jeff hits Twist of Fate, followed up by a Swanton Bomb. Matt covers him and picks up the win. 

Matt and Jeff look really good tonight, but this was the wrong decision from a booking standpoint. Tyrus JUST GOT HERE. Why is he losing clean? Why is he not being built like a monster, like he looks? EC3 and Tyrus are not established. Any match Matt and Jeff are in is interesting to the fans because they have done this successfully for so long. EC3 and Tyrus need something like a title to keep them from falling by the wayside. 

Aside from the booking, there is no doubt this was a really entertaining match with enough time for both teams to really look strong. TNA just made the wrong call for the winners.

WZZ 6.5

James Storm defeated Eddie Edwards

Cowboy James Storm is with Manik and The Great Sanada. He talks about tag teams holding him back and that he was able to set them free. Davey Richards is called out and he looks like he is considering joining the revolution. Eddie Edwards comes out and tries to save him from joining James Storm. 

Davey Richards says that he can speak for himself. Eddie wants a match with Storm and he gets one after the break. 

James Storm works on Edwards on the mat, kicking every body part. He chokes him under the ring apron and then gets back into the ring to attack.  Edwards hits a chop and Storm counters with big forearm shots to his back. Eddie hit Manik on the outside with a baseball slide and then he argues with Davey. James Storm hits a Last Call for the win. 

This was certainly interesting, even though I am not sure I would even consider splitting up Davey Richards and Eddie Edwards. He looks to help his fallen brother, but I do see Davey possibly turning. It would be the wrong call, even though it is oddly intriguing me. I have never really seen him as a single’s competitor. Would you want the best tag team in the world to split up? This segment was really good and really dramatic for a story that has weeks to progress.

WZZ 6.5


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