Title This: WWE Smackdown Reaction “Is Dolph The Face of Smackdown?

Ryback vs. Kane in the Main Event

 smackdown reactionKane applies a headlock and Ryback fights out of it. Ryback hits a suplex and wants to hit a clothesline. Kane catches him with a big boot and goes for a pin. He punches Ryback over and over again. He hits another side suplex and Ryback continues to kick out. Ryback drives his shoulder into Kane and Kane gets hit with an elbow. Ryback blasts Kane to the mat and then hits a splash from the top. Ryback tries Shell Shock, but he clotheslines him to the outside. Kane grabs his leg and drives him into the mat.

Kane throws him face first into the steel post. He goes for a chair and hits him in the midsection. He hits him over the back a few times and The Authority is loving it. Ryback counters with a spinebuster and looks at Triple H. He uses the chair on Kane multiple times. Smackdown ends with a staredown between Ryback and Triple H.

What did we learn tonight? We learned that Dolph Ziggler is a main event guy who deserves all of the spotlight. We learned that Ryback has gotten better in the ring and seems like he is trying to get better by working on his skill set. His character is still the same, which needs work. He needs to be more humanized and less “machine” like. His staredown with Triple H tells me that he may be the final guy in Team Cena. If he is, he must be the last guy left. If WWE lets him lose on another Pay-Per-View again, what is the point of this time they are investing in him? I would rather see Orton in the main event. I can also see Randy Orton not being in the match, but coming out to cost them the match. Either way, WWE has options. A new face can help others get over if Ryback continues to get over himself. At the end of the day, every superstar is .500.

WZ 6

@JoshIsenberg4 on Twitter. Smackdown Reaction Rating:

WZ 5.5



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