Stars in Progress: Dolph Ziggler Rockets Up, Cesaro Falls Down, “Big Red” is Chewing Gum, Bella Twins Story is AWFUL

STEP DOWN: Erick Rowan

Erick-RowanBig Red is a brand of chewing gum.

Erick Rowan is not an award-winning vintner (aka wine-maker). The art of creating wine implies high class social skills. It majorly conflicts with his characterization as a creepy, cult-following borderline autistic savant. 

It’s like the creative team just took a bunch of ridiculous suggestions, put them on a dart board and choose, at random, what Erick Rowan’s new passions and motivations would be. The Rubix cube? Fine. But at least think threw the bullshit you’re putting on television. 

Somebody should tie the creative team to a dart board and choose, at random, which one of them gets to keep their job. 

BUT MIKE — He was in the main event of Survivor Series with John “I don’t need no stinkin’ Z-pack” Cena!! 

Yeah. Because he’s what anyone remembers about that show. 


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