Stars in Progress: Charlotte Falls in Raw Debut, Undeserving Roman Reigns Moves Up, Waiting for Miz & Mizdow to Implode

STEP UP: Roman Reigns

roman reignsThere is absolutely no evidence to support Roman Reigns as the WWE Superstar of the Year. None.

He had an incredible showing in the Royal Rumble match! He also lost the Royal Rumble match.

He won at WrestleMania! His team won a 3-minute match that nobody talks about. 

He won two PPV main events against Evolution! At best, that means he’s almost on par with Rollins and Ambrose. 

He was in two World Championship matches on PPV! Again, he lost those matches. 

Reigns had a good year. A great year, all things considered. But Dean Ambrose was on TV for longer. Seth Rollins was on TV longer than him. Hell, Rollins won Money in the Bank, was the rising star to emerge out of the best faction in years, and was probably the best pure heel on TV for the second half of 2014. 

None of them broke the Undertaker’s WrestleMania streak, or won the World Heavyweight Championship. So there really doesn’t need to be a discussion. Brock Lesnar wins. It’s not even close. 

Despite this, Reigns moves up this week. It’s great to have him back on television, and even better that the crowd was still warm to his appearance after being the obvious “chosen one”, something that could easily have backfired on them. It’s hard to tell from a few sentences, but he seems more comfortable. I’m excited that he’ll be returning to the ring soon, and I may be one of the few cynics still excited about a potential Royal Rumble win in 2015. 


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