Stars in Progress: Charlotte Falls in Raw Debut, Undeserving Roman Reigns Moves Up, Waiting for Miz & Mizdow to Implode

STEP UP: The Miz & Mizdow

Damien SandowI’ve always been a Miz supporter. Since the minute he showed up as the “reality-star-turned-wrestler” announcer on Smackdown, I hated him. And that’s…good! That’s actually sort of the entire point. There’s a reason Miz as a babyface couldn’t get off the ground – it’s just not HIM. 

The mild irony is that everyone loves Sandow – erm, Mizdow – and I’ve never been on that bandwagon. I mean, I respect him for taking terrible gimmicks and running the bases with them. He’s connected with the audience, if for no other reason that people love an underdog. 

Miz and Mizdow work because we know they’re going to implode. Hell, Mizdow said he was going to turn on Miz back when they first joined up. It wasn’t implicit, it was 100% explicit. 

I like them as tag champions. I liked the Usos, but I think they ran their course through all the possible heel teams. That’s the downside of having no divisional depth; rapid turnover.

Miz and Mizdow are a car wreck waiting to happen. You can’t take your eyes off them, because you’re waiting for the whole thing to come crashing down. The more they put Miz over, the more you hate him, and the more fuel they’re adding to the inevitable fire. Every show that passes where Mizdow is still a stooge, it’s money in the bank.