Isenberg Reacts: WWE Smackdown “Torturous Tag Team Turmoil”


Daniel Bryan and Roman Reigns Take Over Smackdown

wwe smackdownDaniel Bryan and Roman Reigns get thrown into a Tag Team Turmoil. They face the teams of Miz/Mizdow, The Uso’s, Los Matadores, Slater Gator, The Ascension and Big Show/Kane.

 After over an hour of this turmoil taking over Smackdown, I want to talk about why this was not a good idea. Daniel Bryan and Roman Reigns already have a big match coming in less than 2 weeks. The storyline between them is already set. There is no turning back on what to do, since WrestleMania 31 is only 44 days away. WWE knows what they want to do, or do they?

 Is this for Roman Reigns’ sake, teaming with Daniel Bryan to try and make him a good guy. Does it matter anymore who the face or heel is? That seems to be something that is dying by the day and is not controlled by WWE or the talent. The fans have shown they can control who they want as a face or a heel. I like the idea of WWE teaming Reigns and Bryan up for a few weeks, but here is the problem.

None of the teams they faced can really be taken seriously. The only teams that drew ANY kind of interest to me was The Ascension (because they are new) and The Uso’s (because of their family ties with Roman Reigns). Do we really need to see them roll through Los Matadores, Slater Gator and Miz/Mizdow? What is the point, unless WWE could care less about these teams. They showed that they really do not care much about tag teams right now. Tag Teams in the WWE do not SELL, but Bryan and Reigns do. From a business standpoint, it makes sense. From a booking and fan perspective, it does not.

 Instead of giving us over an hour of television time, this could have been cut short to 35 minutes. What else could WWE have done in the extra time?

 What about Bad News Barrett in a competitive and interesting match, with Dean Ambrose on commentary?

 Where was Tyson Kidd and Cesaro?

 Why wouldn’t you have Seth Rollins involved somehow?

How many times are we going to see Big Show and Kane? Long shot: Sheamus should side with The Authority upon return and be built into a huge heel. He can do it. He is better as a heel. How is it scripted, though? Maybe he talks about his injury trying to help John Cena, only for Cena to take his spot against Rusev?

In short, WWE wasted a whole show on building it around tag teams that draw little to no interest, while THINKING that Daniel Bryan and Roman Reigns beating them and overcoming the odds means something. It DOESN’T.

 @JoshIsenberg4 on Twitter. WWE Smackdown Rating:

WZ 4.5



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