Isenberg Reacts: Evaluating TNA and Their Current Champions

Rockstar Spud: X-Division Champion

impact wrestlingWhoever decided that Spud should win the X-Division Championship a week after his epic encounter with EC3 is a GENIUS!

He has been incredible the past few months with Carter being the ultimate villain where I became a fan of his work. I was always skeptical of his size and of his gimmick, but now I am a believer. Rockstar Spud becomes champion a week after the biggest match of his career. What does this do?

  1. It makes you FEEL for Spud, with such a roller-coaster ride he has had. He quickly moves onto another spot in the company.
  2. EC3 can move onto higher and bigger (literally) things like a world championship. This will always be a feud that they can revisit years later, but right now is excellent for both guys.
  3. Spud can not focus his attention on toning up his ring work, more than just splash moves. He will always be the ultimate underdog, but the X-Division Championship is something that fits him to perfection.

Kurt Angle: World Heavyweight Champion

There is a new TNA World Heavyweight Champion and his name is Kurt Angle. After a dominant reign by Lashley, Angle sits atop the mountain. I took this in a few directions.

First, I am not dissing Kurt whatsoever because the guy is an all-time great in the ring. The man knows how to wrestle and knows how to get the best out of his opponents. I wonder if he was the right guy to beat Lashley, especially with how Lashley has been booked as champion. He taps out. LASHLEY TAPS OUT. Is this the right call? TNA knows that Lashley vs. Angle is an excellent pairing of former amateur wrestling greats. I feel like they could have gone longer before changing the title.

I also wonder if TNA thinks a younger guy gets more of a rub when they, ultimately, beat Kurt Angle. Does it give a guy like EC3 more ammo in his gun if he beats Angle over Lashley? If I was TNA, I would have EC3 beat BOTH men in the future. Build the young star even more and, is there really anyone else better right now than EC3? No.

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