Isenberg Reacts: Evaluating TNA and Their Current Champions

TNADestination America has been blessed with many things from TNA over the past few months. This past week was a loaded show of championship matches and great storylines outside of titles.

Instead of breaking down the usual episode, I wanted to take a few days and soak in what is going on with TNA and how they have champions in all the right spots right now.

Taryn Terrell: Knockouts Champion

In a world of talented women, Taryn is in a perfect spot as champion right now. She continues to progress and add new moves to her arsenal. With Taryn, it has been about constant growth and you can see it each week. With Knockouts like Kong and Kim, who are two complete opposites, Taryn Terrell has a nice combination of both. She is not the strongest and not the most technically sound, but she can do a little of both.

I have been impressed with her constant and fluent motion in the ring during matches and feel she is one of the most consistent wrestlers in women’s wrestling. She may not be the best, but she continues to develop. The only small piece missing is her personal connection with the sport. Utilize her personal life a little more to have depth in her character.

The Wolves: Tag Team Champions

There is no doubt that Eddie Edwards and Davey Richards are stellar. 

They are the definition of tag team wrestling and continue to be entertaining. With The Wolves and BroMans being two other teams in the division, Eddie and Davey are head and shoulders better than them. They are the champions for a reason. They are really similar in moves, but still are never viewed as “underdogs.” They are not the biggest, but they could very well be the best in the world.

When I look at this division, loaded with talent (Even though most are mismanaged) I see TNA having a great spot with The Wolves and The Hardy’s. Have we seen it before? Absolutely. Do we want to see it again? Absolutely. Capitalize on the best talent in TNA. I would not even mind a heel tag team of Jeff and Matt. Albeit, both guys are loved dearly by the fan base, but imagine Matt in his ROH/Late WWE days with an aggressive Jeff who goes a little “dark.”


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