WZ Mailbag: Will The Shield Reunite?, Response to Michelle Beadle Comments, Evolution in the Hall of Fame, Orton & More

The ShieldYou can send your questions into WZMailbag@gmail.com or post them on our forum at this link. Feel free to leave feedback in the comments below, or our forum, or on my twitter @MaxCruzePW.

My question is there any chance we see The Shield reunite at the end of the fatal four way match at Payback?

While that concept looks like a good, even great, idea on paper, I don’t think that is the way WWE is going to go. They have established Seth Rollins as the main heel in the Authority and are running with the angle. As much as  I would love to see them as a heelish stable right now, it’s not going to happen because of the way the three are being booked at the moment. Do I see it happening in the future…yes but we are a long times away from that.

How would you respond to Michelle Beadle’s recent comments on the domestic abuse policy of the WWE?

Since the question is how I would respond to Beadle’s comments, if I were in the WWE, I wouldn’t respond to it at all. Why would they want to bring negative attention upon themselves? Personally, I agree with Beadle. There are obviously many accusations against Floyd Mayweather at the moment, if I were Triple H I would try to distance myself as far as I can from Floyd. I won’t go into about how I feel about Mayweather because of all the controversies, but I do agree that Beadle is right to speak out about the issues.

Do you feel Randy Orton will get any more World Title reigns in his career or will he just be a high level top tier guy used to occasionally get others over?

You and I both know that Randy Orton is one of Vince’s puppets, he is an “A+” player in this business. As much as I would like to see Orton never hold a World title again, it’s not going to happen. When in need, WWE will always go back to Orton so yes, he will hold more World titles in the future. Besides, he is only 35 – he’s got plenty more years in front of him.

So Ric Flair is already a 2 time WWE hall of famer. Do you think he would go into the WWE hall of fame again as a member of Evolution. Do you see that group going in? What do you think?

Tough call here. Eventually down the line I see Evolution going into the HOF but frankly I don’t  know if Flair will even be alive then. I don’t see them being inducted before the Hardy Boyz, Edge and Christian, and the Dudley Boyz, so either way it is still a long ways away, not to mention the fact that Orton will be retired by then. Flair can certainly be alive when Evolution gets inducted, I don’t think it can really be considered a legitimate attraction if one man goes in 3 times.


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