Isenberg Reacts: WWE Smackdown “Does MITB Opponents Make Sense?”

Do Neville and Kofi Belong?

wwe smackdownThey will give us some awe-inspiring moments in the Money in the Bank Ladder Match. They will fly around and really make the match entertaining from that perspective.

One of my least favorite MITB matches was when John Cena beat The Miz, Chris Jericho, Kane and Big Show. Why? Because all of them were previous champions and really did not need the briefcase. Neville and Kofi will not win, but they will give us some great spots. Sometimes, you do not want every person in their to have a shot at legitimately winning. I am for entertainment and what these guys give us is an alternative in a match. They give us the jaw-dropping moments. Reigns won’t. Kane won’t.

WZZ 6.5

Roman Reigns vs. Sheamus

The main event was a fight. Sheamus and Roman put on some physical and entertaining spots tonight, but kept it simple and effective. As both men seem to be favorites at the Money in the Bank ladder match in about a week, I felt like this match should have taken place on Raw. Let’s be real: this will not be the last time we see these guys battle. Rematches are all the rave in the WWE.

Kane adds himself into the match. Another night, but Kane being added makes sense. He is a guy who has been at odds with Seth Rollins for months. Let’s just hope that WWE does not think this is a good idea.

Who ya got? Who should be holding the briefcase? Let the debate begin!

WZ 6

@JoshIsenberg4 on Twitter. WWE Smackdown Rating:

WZ 5.5



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