WZ Mailbag: Jeff Hardy’s Future, Current NXT Feuds, TNA Taping Live Impact Episodes, Is Wrestling A Dying Spectacle?, More

Which character do you think is easier to portray, a face or a heel?

Tough question. They are two completely opposite things, I assume that it is fairly hard portray both. A face has to literally make everyone happy, that’s a hard thing to do, just ask John Cena. While a heel has to get everyone to hate him which isn’t always fun to do, even in this day in age. Just for the sake of answering the question I am going to say heel us easier to play because it’s a completely different era than it used to be where not everyone hates you. Faces have to do so much more than heels for their company outside of the ring that it’s crazy.

Do you think Jeff Hardy will ever be welcome back in the WWE? He left on top of the mountain and even though we all know his history, I think he should retire in WWE. Thoughts?

I think everybody deserves a second chance, or in this case a third. Hardy has shown that that part of his life is behind him, and that he is moving on from all the drugs use etc. To have him retire in the WWE, a company that took a big risk with him and his brother, would be spectacular. I think he will certainly be welcome to come back, but whether he returns depends on many factors including money, work dates, etc. With that said, I really do hope he returns in a role similar to Rob Van Dam. 

Why don’t wrestlers stare into the camera when doing promos anymore? Back in the day every guy whether it be The Rock or Stone Cold or whoever would stare directly into the camera when sending their message and let their eyes do a lot of the talking whereas now I see basically every single guy on the roster staring off to the side while being interviewed by renee young talking about their opponents. It makes the promo/interview segment unbelievably awkward and way less effective. At first I thought only Ryback and a couple others did it, but now that I began paying attention I noticed every single guy on the roster does that which leads me to believe they are being instructed to do so, and for the life of me I can’t figure out why or who would tell them to do it that way. Have you noticed this? If so, what are your thoughts?

I have never noticed that before. To me it doesn’t really matter as long as the material that is coming out of his mouth is effective. It might be used for dramatic purposes but it also might be just pure laziness. Whatever it may be, I doesn’t really bother me, and I’m sure I am not alone on that.

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