Isenberg Reacts: WWE Smackdown “Can More Heels Than Faces Prevail Sunday?”

Big Show vs. Ryback

wwe smackdownSmackdown starts off with these two big men in action, teasing their match at SummerSlam. With some punches and chops, Big Show is in control. This leads to a comeback from Ryback, hitting some clotheslines off the rope and then connects with a spinebuster. 

Both men head to the outside and Ryback hits a Meathook Clotheslines onto Big Show through the barricade. Both men will end up getting counted out and no winner is announced. 

I can understand why they put this “big” spot on Smackdown, but then I can’t. Why would you waste this on a Smackdown where not many people will be watching. Now, what big spot can happen that is more impactful than this? For this feud, which seems to be one of the weaker ones on the SS card, you need to make sure you keep the big spots for Sunday night. They are already limited enough in the ring. 

WZ 4.5

The New Day defeated Los Matadores

Tag Team action with Woods and El Torito added into the mix. Not a bad match, with some nice hurricanrannas and then a few big moves from Big E. It was what you expected it to be, with The New Day picking up a much needed win. 

Sunday will have a Fatal Four Way, which will most likely get bumped to the pre-show due to 9 other meaningful and interesting matches ahead of them.

I really am hoping that somehow, someway, Enzo and Big Cass make their debut. It may not happen on Sunday, but they will immediately become the most developed characters in a tag team in recent memory. They have established what they are in NXT and it will translate into success on the main roster. This division needs more teams to stand out. 

WZ 5.5

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