Isenberg Reacts: WWE Raw Reaction “Heel Heat = Divas Success”

Sheamus defeated Mark Henry

wwe rawSheamus, looking upset, faces off against Texas’ own Mark Henry. Henry grabs his arm and then hits a forearm to Sheamus’ face. Sheamus gets in the ring kicks and punches Henry before getting taken down with a body slam. Sheamus punches the mat on the outside and flips out. Mark gets hung up on the ropes and Sheamus clubs a few times on the chest. Henry grabs his beard, tosses him in the ring and continues the offense. 

Sheamus slides out of body slam and hits a Brogue Kick. He hits another and kicks up the win. 

Ouch. That first Brogue Kick was awful looking. Luckily, he hits a second and picks up the win. This was a very odd pairing and a weird set-up to the match. All it took was a boot from Sheamus? Come on, that is ridiculous. It was poorly executed, short and sloppy. Not a good night for Sheamus or Mark Henry tonight.

WZ 3.5

Six Man Tag Team Match

Dolph Ziggler took so much and was isolated throughout this match with The New Day, Rusev and his partners of Bubba Ray and Devon. 

Kofi and Big E go back and forth with tags, while Rusev kicks and hits a nice power slam. Kofi gets back into the ring and works on Dolph even more. Finally, Dolph is able to get going and hit a DDT. Rusev and Big E squash Ziggler and Rusev continues the brutality. Rusev yells about Lana being his and the hot tag is made to Bubba Ray. He hits a shoulder tackle, back body drop and then a splash into the corner. Big E saves the matchup and Bubba hits a big boot. Rusev gets the tag and gets taken down by Bubba. Dolph goes up and gets the wassup headbutt. Dolph superkicks Xavier, but Rusev hits Dolph with a kick for the win. 

This was a really good six man tag team match and I am always in favor of helping two feuds and storylines at once. I would have flipped, where Rusev won last night and Dolph wins tonight. I just do not love the fact that Rusev got pinned by Ziggler, especially since all of the time they put into him last year. I will take this as a very fun and fast-paced match. Also, there was good psychology throughout which should not be overlooked. 

WZZ 6.5


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