Isenberg Reacts: WWE Raw “A New Champion, A Familiar Beast”

 Chris Jericho’s Highlight Reel

wwe rawThe New Day come out and talk about how Chris Jericho is old and how he is shameful. This prompts The Uso’s to come out and a match ensues. After a good contest, Chris Jericho breaks the trombone played by Xavier Woods and Jimmy rolls up Kofi for the win.

The addition of Chris Jericho in this tag team type of feud confuses me. His return to the WWE was lackluster and his segment here seems to 2010. I have always liked how he has been able to adapt to the current times, but have the times in the WWE passed him by? What can he do now in the WWE that has not been done? Jericho has always been entertaining to me, but some of his best times were when he was a heel. He is just so good at knowing how to piss people off. If you really want him to be important and help elevate someone, give him a full heel turn for 3 months. Then, I would be intrigued.

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Ryback Saves The Day

The Wyatt Family laugh at how ridiculous Social Outcasts are. Braun Strowman destroys them all before The Big Guy comes out and makes his way to the ring. Well, I am sure this is going to spike ratings. Ryback and a bunch of jabroni’s against The Wyatt Family. From John Cena to The Undertaker and now…. This?

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She My Promo Queen

Becky Lynch attacks Charlotte before the match. The match does not take place and Lynch is extremely frustrated. The match does not go through, but Becky Lynch talks about how Charlotte betrayed her and how their friendship is meaningless now.

This was intense. Dramatic and the right amount of emotion. She killed it and I really was invested into Becky Lynch the person, not the wrestler. Great stuff from a realistic and believable underdog.

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