Isenberg Reacts: Impact Wrestling “Built on a Brother vs. Brother Feud”

EC3 Vs. The Miracle

impact wrestling

Via WZ Live Coverage:

Mike Bennett with a surfboard submission hold. EC3 fires up with a clothesline, a back elbow, the EC3 splash and a flapjack. EC3 goes for the 1% Percenter, but Bennett holds onto the ropes. EC3 with a inverted DDT for a two count. Bennett with a jaw breaker to EC3. EC3 with the TK3, but as EC3 goes for the pin, Maria puts Bennett’s foot on the bottom rope to break the pin attempt. EC3 goes after Maria. Maria rolls into the ring. Bennett drops EC3 with a cutter. Bennett brings a steel chair into the ring. EC3 ducks the steel chair shot and gets Bennett in the Cobra Clutch. Bennett starts tapping, but the referee doesn’t see it because he’s having a tug a war with the steel chair with Maria. EC3 snags the chair away from the referee. EC3 with multiple chair shots to the back of Bennett to cause the disqualification.

An aggressive EC3 is always a good thing these days. With Mike Bennett and his continued progression to the top, there is always going to be a guy standing in his way. EC3 is the right guy, right now, for Bennett to feud with. EC3 is over and his packaging as a face is great. His heel work was so effective that it got himself respect and much appreciation from the crowd. With so many other heels right now, EC3, Drew Galloway and Jeff Hardy are three really good faces to swap feuds in the coming months. Like I have mentioned before, TNA is stocked with main event talent and the ability to interchange feuds at the drop of a hat. That is a good issue to have.

WZ 7.5

Is This The Best The Knockouts Have Been?

With the huge success of the women in WWE, I look at a roster of talented, yet underdeveloped Knockouts. You have plenty of talent, but do you have superstars? With Gail Kim and Maria, you have two established women who have succeeded over the years because they adapted. With Marti, Jade, Rebel and The Beautiful People it seems like there is not one “stand out” lady that is just completely taking over. I fear that there may not be a superstar in this pile, excluding Maria.

Maria is such an exception to every rule. Her gimmick, her persona and her realistic connection with her character cannot be applauded enough. She has become the most interesting woman on the TNA roster to watch, but when will she step into the ring and prove she can “go?” I think later than sooner. Keep putting her competing off until a big pay off. The only problem is that no other woman is ready to have that big moment with Maria.

WZ 5.5

@JoshIsenberg4 on Twitter. Impact Wrestling Rating:

WZ 7