Isenberg Reacts: WWE Raw ” John Cena Still Has It”

An Aggressive Big Cass

A tag team match between Enzo and Cass against The Vaudevillians took place. As the match progressed, English threw Enzo into the ropes, similar to how he did it at Extreme Rules. Cass saw this and flipped out, causing a disqualification. He beats down both men and stands tall over his partner, Enzo Amore.

I enjoyed the attitude change in the snap of a finger. You can see that Enzo and Cass are tight, so close like real brothers. When you see so many tag teams, you forget that they are supposed to be tied at the hip. There might not be a more natural tag team in WWE than these two guys. They did not need the clean win here, but needed raw emotion flowing out of them during the match. Good work and hopefully these two teams can somewhat interact with their opponents at  Money in the Bank next week.

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Dana and Charlotte = PMS

I see plenty of similarities between these two and the combination of Jackie and Terri Runnells. Maybe a better comparison would be LayCool? Either way, they talk and end up attacking Becky Lynch and Natalya, with the champion and her sidekick standing tall. Nothing too much to note, but I do think this pairing is more interesting and has MUCH MORE POTENTIAL than Charlotte just paired up with her old man. It gives a rub to a new woman while continuing to learn the ropes (literally) with one of the best who can do that. Is there a negative at all pairing these two up?

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Fandango and Breeze Could Work

Yes, you read that right. They could work, if they were taken somewhat seriously. The gimmick is very reminiscent of a young Billy and Chuck, two men who care about how they look and how they dress. They do not need a Rico, but they do need to wrestle someone other than Goldust and R-Truth. It does nothing for their credibility and that is everything when you have a random pairing. Also, STOP WITH THE HORRIBLE MIXED ENTRANCE SONGS. IT SOUNDS LIKE A 3 YEAR OLD DID IT.

WZ 4.5


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