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Photo Credit: 2K Sports

Isenberg Reacts: WWE Raw “Demon King, Roman’s Still Reigning”

Kevin Owens vs. Big Cass


Chris Jericho trips up Cass and hits him on the outside, which gives Kevin Owens the upper hand. He slows down the big man and then Cass hits a clothesline. Enzo gets taken out on the outside and then a disqualification takes place. Jericho and Owens target and beat up Big Cass. Cass fights back with some right hands, but both men attack. A superkick and then a Codebreaker takes out Cass. Jeri-KO stand tall to end the segment.

I thought this was really good. The match could have been longer, but I do think the point was taken. You need to see vulnerability from two guys who seem to be on top of the world. Tonight was a positive step in making this feud, albeit quick, seem important from both sides. It does not feel as random as it did 1-2 weeks ago.

WZZ 6.5

Make Up Your Mind

Primetime Players are back and took on The Shining Stars. They say one night only, but what in the world is the point? They feud and they hate each other. They split and then get back together only to break apart. After a few weeks, The Primetime Players get back together for no reason. Yes, there needs to be more credible tag teams, but they are flip flopping way too much. Make up your mind and if you want to split them, make sure it is meaningful. Tonight proved to me that neither Darren Young or Titus O’Neil will be anything more than this. A below average booked pair of lost superstars.

WZ 3.5