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Isenberg Reacts: WWE SummerSlam “Phenomenal Beasts and Demons Own Brooklyn”

Enzo and Cass vs. Jeri-KO


The night started off hot with a tag team match to cater to the Brooklyn crowd. Enzo and Cass worked really smooth tonight, something that we have not seen much of. Yes, they are a great gimmick, but I wanted to see them in an extended match that did not focus completely around Cass coming in and cleaning house. We got that tonight. We also got Jericho and Kevin Owens hitting hard and often. When Cass was booted to the outside, KO popped up Enzo and right into a Codebreaker. The heels pick up the win, much to my surprise.

I am wondering the logic here. Enzo and Cass are the hottest duo in WWE, so why would they lose on a huge stage? Chris Jericho and Kevin Owens are a great pairing, but do they have longevity? Are they going to become tag team champions in the next six months? If so, that is wasting away Kevin Owens’ singles career. They lose and lose again, so what is their importance right now? The match was scripted well, but there needed to be a moment for the hometown guys as the bell rang.

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Charlotte becomes Women’s Champion

Sasha Banks and Charlotte, two of the best women in the WWE, gave us about 15 minutes of really intriguing and intense wrestling. The match started a little sloppy, with a missed move in the corner and another few spots that did not seem to land well. After that, it seemed like the women slowed down and then delivered us a great bout. I loved the countering from each woman, the big spots and the big fight feel. Sasha Banks worked Charlotte from waist down, trying to chop down the stronger and tougher opponent. The end scenario came when a Banks Statement turned into Charlotte using her strength to roll her over and get the three count. Another surprise to start SummerSlam, as Charlotte recaptures the title after about 4 weeks.

Do I agree with the change? Not really, but how great of heat does it continue to put on Charlotte as she gets a title back from the fan favorite? It also shows that these two women are in a league of their own right now on Raw. If Charlotte loses clean, how do we justify her getting ANOTHER match? And, who else would take on Sasha next month? It makes sense to book it like this, in the long run. In a world where length of title reigns are not as memorable as the moment, take this for what it is and take it as an opportunity to get 2-3 more months of this incredible feud.

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