And In The Red Corner… A Reaction To Linda McMahon Joining Donald Trump

And In The Red Corner… A Reaction To Linda McMahon Joining Donald Trump

Its been a while since I’ve been able to sit down and write about politics. Not that there hasn’t been a plethora of things to share, explore and write about. The post election vertigo I’ve been experiencing has made it difficult for me to focus on anything but the rapid swing from ‘The Blue Corner’ and eight years of a liberal socialist movement led by an inexperienced community organizer who was inspired by a career parasite named Saul Alinsky and advocated by the coastal elites and bubble headed celebrities like Lena Dunham.

Dunham, along with Barbara Streisand, Chelsea Handler, Cher, Samuel Jackson and a host of other Hollywood upper 1% of 1% er’s all promised to leave the United States if Donald Trump was elected as President of the United States.

I propose a class action breech of contract lawsuit against them if they have not sold their property, applied for citizenship in the country of their choice and surrendered their US passports by President Elect Trump’s inauguration. After all, in Hollywood verbal commitments are the basis for successful lawsuits all the time.

That won’t happen. None of them will leave the comfort of the protection, favorable tax environment and opportunities this country provides them. In fact, other than Lena Dunham, who recently posted a picture of herself on Instagram looking like she just chugged a liter of Mad Dog 20/20 while sitting on a toilet relieving herself, most of the outspoken aforementioned have just crawled into their comfort zones and are focusing on how to maintain their 1% of the 1%’er status and stay relevant.

In ‘The Red Corner’ you have a relentlessly hard working entrepreneur/businessman in Donald Trump who has probably accomplished more in the 30 days after being elected than the current con-artist/community organizer turned President has in 8 years.

I wasn’t a Trump supporter early on. I’ve stated in previous interviews that I was more comfortable with Marco Rubio for a number or reasons but the last 30 days has made me more hopeful for our Republic (please do yourself a favor and google the difference between a republic and a democracy) than I have been since Ronald Regan was elected.

While producing our podcast ‘Bischoff On Wrestling’ this week my co-host and producing partner Nick Hausman pointed out how many in the liberal mainstream media had a difficult time reporting that Linda McMahon, the former CEO of World Wrestling Entertainment and wife of Vince McMahon, was appointed by President-Elect Trump as the head of the Small Business Administration without a sneer, a chuckle or a roll of their eyes to emphasize their disdain.

That is typical of the conceit, arrogance and ignorance of MSM and the empty headed, bumper sticker culture that follows them.

In addition to growing a niche, family owned business that struggled against everything from high taxes, unions, organized crime and high powered competition into a BILLION DOLLAR market cap publicly traded company. Linda McMahon has invested her time and talents to support organizations like the Make-A-Wish Foundation, The Special Olympics, The Girl Scouts, The USO and more.

Much more.

As a Republican, particularly one that has helped build a business that resonates more with the middle class that it does with the Barbara Streisands and Lena Dunhams of the world, Linda will endure the cheap shots and innuendo of the liberal mainstream media and will deliver. As she has done for her entire career.

In the process she will tag team with a WWE Hall of Famer in President-Elect Donald Trump and in spirit another former professional wrester who became the very first Republican to become the President of the United States: Abraham Lincoln.

Every Wednesday night Eric has also begun contributing a weekly “Controversial Story Of The Week” segment for Sports Illustrated’s 120 Sports app with his Bischoff on Wrestling co-host Nick Hausman.

You can download the 120 Sports app via the Apple App Store or Google Play Store to watch each week.

This past week’s segment took a look at Charlotte’s “apology” to her father Ric Flair at the end of RAW:

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