Isenberg Reacts: WWE Elimination Chamber “Three Years in the Making”

Elimination Chamber Match for the WWE World Championship


Results Via WZ Live Coverage:

Cena plants Ambrose and Styles with a Double German Suplex. Cena goes for the Attitude Adjustment, but Ambrose gets back on his feet. Styles with a enziguri to Cena. Ambrose lays out Styles with the Lunatic Lariat. Bray Wyatt is the next entrant. Bray with a running shoulder block to the Cena. Bray with a front slam to Ambrose. Styles goes for a Springboard Crossbody, but Bray sends Styles into the steel. Styles kicks Bray in the chest. Styles with a Slingshot Famouser to Bray. Cena goes for the Attitude Adjustment, but Styles gets back on his feet. Cena and Styles begin to crawl up the chamber. Styles with a right hand that sends Cena crashing back first to the pads. Ambrose and Styles begin to brawl on top of one of the pods. Ambrose repeatedly bounces Styles head on the chamber glass. Ambrose dives off the top of the pod, but Bray connects with a uppercut. Bray places Ambrose on the top rope. Ambrose with the Tower of Doom to Styles and Bray. Baron Corbin is the next entrant. Ambrose with a series of forearms to Corbin. Corbin responds with a massive clothesline. Corbin repeatedly whips Ambrose face first to the steel. Corbin tosses Ambrose back into the ring. Ambrose goes for the running bulldog, but Corbin blocks it. Corbin connects with the Deep Six. Bray with a clubbing blow to the back of Corbin. Bray goes for a STO, but Corbin sends Bray face first to the pod. Corbin lands a big boot. Corbin connects with a modified STO. Styles with a series of right hands to Corbin. Corbin plants Styles with the End of Days.

Cena gets Corbin in the STF, but Corbin powers out. Corbin with the End of Days to Cena. Ambrose with a missile dropkick to Corbin. Ambrose whips Corbin back first to the steel. Corbin launches Ambrose face first to the pod. Ambrose goes for the Dirty Deeds, but Corbin blocks it. Corbin knocks Ambrose off the top rope. Miz is obviously the final entrant. Miz stalls. Corbin wants to fight. Ambrose rolls up Corbin and scores the pinfall. Baron Corbin is officially eliminated. Corbin attacks Ambrose with a massive lariat. Corbin launches Ambrose through the pod. Corbin with a series of forearms across the back of the neck of Ambrose. Corbin finishes the onslaught with the End of Days. Miz finally escapes the pod and pins Ambrose. Dean Ambrose is officially eliminated. Miz begins to mock Daniel Bryan. Miz with YES! Kicks to Cena and Bray. Miz follows that up with a double basement dropkick. Miz kicks Styles in the gut. Miz proceeds to give YES! Kicks to Styles in the corner. Miz with a trifecta of corner dropkicks to Cena, Styles and Bray. Miz connects with the Awesome Clothesline. Miz ascends to the top rope. Bray gets in his way. Miz plants Bray with the Skull Crushing Finale. Miz goes for the Diving Crossbody, but Cena counters with the Attitude Adjustment to score the pinfall. The Miz is officially eliminated. Bray and Styles begins to double team Cena. Bray uppercuts Cena. Bray with a rolling senton to Cena. Cena with two shoulder tackles to Styles followed by the side slam. Cena with a Double Five Knuckle Shuffle to Bray and Styles. Cena connects with the Attitude Adjustment on Bray Wyatt. Styles plants Cena with the Styles Clash for a two count.

Styles goes for the Phenomenal Forearm, but Cena ducks out of the way. Cena connects with another Attitude Adjustment, but Styles kicks out at count of two. Cena begins to climb to the top of the pod. Cena with a flying crossbody off the top of the pod onto Bray and Styles. Cena goes for the Attitude Adjustment, but Bray Wyatt counters with the Sister Abigail and scores the pinfall. John Cena is officially eliminated. Bray and Styles are the final two. Styles lands a big forearm. Bray responds with a lariat. Bray with a series of clubbing forearms across the back of Styles neck. Bray sends Styles to the corner. Styles takes out the knees of Bray. Styles with a falling forearm smash for a two count. Bray with the Spider Walk. Styles connects with the Phenomenal Blitz. Bray responds with a massive lariat for a two count. Bray goes for the Uranage Slam, but Styles counters with the Pele Kick. Styles follows that up with the Shining Wizard. Styles connects with the Springboard 450 Splash for a two count. Styles goes for the Phenomenal Forearm, but Bray counters with the Sister Abigail to pickup the victory. After the match, Bray Wyatt and Randy Orton get into a stare off.

About damn time. The most original and unique character in WWE over the past decade has finally become the WWE World Champion. Bray Wyatt winning tonight means that WWE is finally going “all in” on a Wyatt Family feud, which is overdue. They needed an established Randy Orton to make it feel more important, I assume. Let’s talk about the chamber match first.

The new chamber is much better, even though the “steel grates” on the outside and now hardened flooring you would originally see outside of the ring. The pods are updated with more space to work on top, better lighting and material and more interesting opportunities. I really think it looked and felt more intense and more unpredictable. As for the eliminations, I was surprised to see Corbin go easily into the wind, but love the idea of an Ambrose vs. Corbin match at WrestleMania. The Miz did his usual, but an AA took him out. When it came down to Styles vs. Cena vs. Wyatt, I was nervous. I was not sure WWE would go through with it, two weeks after Cena won the title. They did and eliminated John Cena before AJ Styles. This shows you that they are no longer afraid of shying away from other talent shining in the final moments. Bray Wyatt and Sister Abigail ended the night for Styles, after an excellent 34 minutes of action.

Bray vs. Randy. Wyatt Family in the championship match at WrestleMania. As a fan of fresh and different, I certainly can get into this championship feud and contest. We have just under 7 weeks to accomplish this feud as something special. Now is the time, three years overdue, for Wyatt to shine.

WZ 8

@JoshIsenberg4 on Twitter. WWE Elimination Chamber Rating:


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