Ric Flair
Photo by Alexander Tamargo/Getty Images

Ric Flair’s 5 Greatest Matches

Ric Flair’s 5 Greatest Matches
(Photo by Aaron Davidson/WireImage)

#2.) vs Ricky Steamboat – Clash Of The Champions VI 1989

Ric Flair vs Ricky Steamboat will likely go down as the greatest trilogy of matches in pro wrestling history. The two were polar opposites. Ricky Steamboat was the moral, uptight man of family values while Flair was the playboy and the immoral “Ladies Man”. What they had in common, however, was the fact that they were two competitors with iron grit.

Steamboat would beat Flair for the title in their first bout and their rematch was a 2-out-of-3 falls match. Going 55 minutes, Flair picked up the first fall while Steamboat picked up the second. The controversial finish saw Steamboat on Flair and the champion kicked out at 3, gaining the third fall. It was quite a screwy finish and to add to that, Flair’s foot was under the rope, prompting a rematch at WrestleWar in the conclusion of their trilogy.

Many argue that this was better than their third bout and it’s certainly up for debate, but what it fell short in compared to the third bout was the incredible emotion.

Next Page: Ric Flair’s 5 Greatest Matches


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