kazuchika okada
Photo by New Japan Pro-Wrestling/Getty Images

Kazuchika Okada’s 5 Greatest Moments

Kazuchika Okada’s 5 Greatest Moments
Photo Credit: Wikipedia.org

#3.) Crossing Tanahashi’s title defenses

After defeating Zack Sabre Jr. at Sakura Genesis 2018, Okada equaled Tanahashi’s record 11 title defenses. Tanahashi didn’t want his record broken, so he challenged Okada for the title. At Wrestling Dontaku, Okada and Tanahashi once again one-upped their previous encounters in a dramatic match-up. It was a story of desperation and who really wanted it more.

At the end, Okada defeated Tanahashi by the skin of his teeth, crossing his record title defenses in what would be the final successful defense of his historic reign.

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