wwe hall of fame

5 Legends Who Are Surprisingly Still Not In The WWE Hall Of Fame

Photo Credit: Wikipedia.org

#3.) Demolition

So there’s a little bit of an explanation as to why Demolition have yet to enter the WWE Hall of Fame. It’s more than likely that they were considered, but both Ax and Smash were a part of a big lawsuit against WWE with regards to concussions. During the same time, The New Day were in the midst of their second title reign and coincidentally, ended up breaking Demolition’s record of 478 days.

Despite this, Demolition were extremely happy for The New Day, claiming that they could still beat them. However, they stated that they’ve had no communication with WWE for years, and with that, it’s going to be a difficult ordeal. Ultimately, it boils down to who makes the first call.

Rest assured, Demolition, the most dominant tag team in WWE history, will someday enter the Hall of Fame.

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