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Goldberg’s 5 Greatest Moments


#3.) Triumphant return at Survivor Series 2016

“Fantasy Warfare just got real”, is what Survivor Series was dubbed as in 2016. Goldberg made one of the greatest comebacks in history, and his return to WWE after 12 years saw him receive an incredible, bone-chilling reaction from the Denver crowd. He set his eyes on Brock Lesnar, who wanted to get revenge against the one man that he had never beaten.

Goldberg accepted his challenge, and in an anticipated Survivor Series main event, fans wondered if they would right the wrong of their WrestleMania match 12 years prior. It turned out to be a big shock, as Goldberg would squash Brock Lesnar in a whopping 1 minute and 26 seconds, cementing his triumphant return to WWE. He would later win the Universal Championship and face Lesnar one last time before losing and retiring.

Next Page: Goldberg’s 5 Greatest Moments


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