(Photo by Mick Hutson/Redferns)

5 Best WWE Matches Of 2008

#4.) Shawn Michaels vs Chris Jericho – Unforgiven 

The rivalry between Shawn Michaels and Chris Jericho was the best of 2008 and it’s not even an argument. The grudge rivalry helped elevate Jericho and made Michaels look like an absolute star as well. The first of their feud was an Unsanctioned match, where the two went on for nearly half an hour in a gruelling contest.

It turned out to be an all-out war between the two and despite Lance Cade’s interference, Michaels managed to finish Jericho for the win. The night wasn’t over for Jericho, however, as he would insert himself in the main event and walk out as World Heavyweight Champion. Their next match was an even better one, and it was for the World title.

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