John Cena
Photo by Michael Kovac/Getty Images for Paramount Pictures

5 Reasons Why WWE Hasn’t Created A Megastar Since John Cena

Photo by Andrew Toth/FilmMagic

#4.) A restrictive environment

This a problem going on lately that has been addressed by multiple ex-superstars, ex-creative writers and even insiders. Over the last few years, the overall creative freedom of superstars has drastically reduced.  Ex-creative writers have more or less pointed their fingers to Vince McMahon, stating that it’s him who wants superstars to read scripts word-for-word.

Steve Austin has criticized the current generation of stars, but Jon Moxley was the first to hit back, stating that “Austin 3:16” would never have happened under today’s environment. The fact of the matter is that the restrictions that superstars have creatively undoubtedly hamper the level in which they can reach.

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