John Cena
Photo by Michael Kovac/Getty Images for Paramount Pictures

5 Reasons Why WWE Hasn’t Created A Megastar Since John Cena

Photo Credit: Wikimedia Commons

#3.) They dropped the ball with Roman Reigns

From 2015 to 2018, there have been constant debates as to whether Roman Reigns was the right guy to carry the company forward as the franchise player. The overwhelming majority (or atleast the vocal ones) had constant backlash when it came to Reigns’ push and WWE did Reigns absolutely no favors with the way they pushed him.

The reality is that Roman Reigns is a top-level performer and deserves to be on the top of the card. However, the above-stated issues such as creative restrictions and the overall handling of Reigns made fans despise him even more. WWE wanted to make Reigns their megastar (and still do, probably) but dropped the ball when it came to pushing him.

Forcefully pushing him only made fans retaliate more and Reigns was the one who got the backlash despite it not really being his fault.

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