Vince McMahon WWE RAW
Photo Credit: Alpha Entertainment

Vince McMahon’s 5 Greatest Moments In WWE

Vince McMahon’s 5 Greatest Moments In WWE
Photo Credit: Getty Images

#5.) Formation of the McMahon-Helmsley Faction

It was WrestleMania 2000 and Triple H was set to defend his WWF Championship in a fatal-four-way match. The Superstars? The Rock, The Big Show and Mick Foley. The biggest attraction of the match, however, wasn’t the superstars themselves. It was the fact that there was a McMahon in every corner.  Stephanie McMahon cornered Triple H, Vince McMahon cornered The Rock, Linda cornered Mick Foley while Shane cornered The Big Show.

As you could imagine, things got beyond chaotic in the elimination match and once it boiled down to just The Rock and Triple H, it looked like The Brahma Bull was on his way to another world title.  However, Vince McMahon would turn on The Rock, attacking him and giving Triple H the win. It would be the start of the McMahon-Helmsley Faction storyline.

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