WWE Superstar Curt Hawkins. Photo Credit: Wikipedia.org

Intro To Curt Hawkins’ WWE Network Special (Video); Matt Hardy’s Woken Word Of The Week

Intro To Curt Hawkins’ WWE Network Special (Video); Matt Hardy’s Woken Word Of The Week
Photo Credit: Wikimedia Commons

Intro To Curt Hawkins’ WWE Network Special (Video)

WWE posted the intro video of the WWE Network Special on Curt Hawkin’s inordinately long losing streak to their twitter account. In the video, Hawkins speaks about his thoughts and feelings as his losing streak took shape over the past couple of years.

You can watch it below:

Related: Curt Hawkins Opens Up About His Losing Streak

Matt Hardy’s Woken Word Of The Week

WWE posted a video clip to their Twitter account of Matt Hardy’s Woken Word of the Week.