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Adam Cole Reveals He Gets Asked If He Works In The WWE Office

Adam Cole Reveals He Gets Asked If He Works In The WWE Office
Photo Credit: Wikimedia Commons

Former NXT North American Champion Adam Cole was a guest on a recent episode of Edge and Christian’s podcast, E & C’s Pod of Awesomeness. Cole revealed during the interview that due to his size, people often think he works in WWE’s office when tells them where he works:

“Because of me and my size I often get asked if I work in the office. I’ll get asked that. Uh huh. Oh my God, every time… it’s unbelievable! Right. The people who are the worst are the TSA agents, so when I traveled with the NXT North American Championship, that often times is when I would get the… they would take the championship out, and look at it, and say, ‘what’s this?’ I’d say, ‘oh, it’s a championship belt.’ And they’d say, ‘for what?’ And I’d say, ‘for wrestling.’ And they would look at the belt, look at me, look back at the belt with just the most interesting look on their faces. Like, ‘guy, I’m right here! I’m right here, man.’ There is nothing that makes me more falsely arrogant, like, wanting to defend myself, than a TSA agent. Like, automatically, I’m like, ‘I may be small, but I’m really good. Like, that championship says it right there.'”  H/T: WrestlingInc

Cole was also asked who he’d like to wrestle next:

“Oh man, like [Edge] said, the list of this roster currently is so stacked! But I look at guys like Johnny Gargano, who I’ve never really gotten the chance to go toe-to-toe with in NXT. I look at a guy like Velveteen Dream who has only been wrestling for a couple of years and he’s just filled with charisma, filled with talent. Tommaso Ciampa, I’ve barely gotten to wrestle here in NXT. Pete Dunn, I feel like I’ve just scratched the surface with. There are just so many guys who I may have interacted with for a brief time, but as far as getting a chance to get in there and wrestle with and having a program with these guys, the list goes on and on.” H/T: WrestlingInc

You can listen to E & C’s Pod of Awesomeness HERE.

RELATED: WWE NXT Results (9/26): Tommaso Ciampa In Action


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