Photo Credit: Bill Pritchard

Becky Lynch On SummerSlam, Her Feud With Charlotte, More

Becky Lynch On SummerSlam, Her Feud With Charlotte, More
Photo Credit: Wikimedia Commons

Becky Lynch is the current SmackDown Women’s Champion and is the center of what is probably the best feud going into WWE Evolution, Becky vs. Charlotte. Recently, Becky spoke to the Baltimore Sun about the controversial reaction their rivalry is getting and what it felt like when she turned on Charlotte at SummerSlam.

Becky Lynch On Her SummerSlam Moment:

It was incredible. It was incredible to know that the people felt my frustration. This isn’t something that’s just popped up over a week or a month, it’s been three years in the making of just constantly being the underdog and fighting from underneath. Finally, enough is enough and I think everybody has felt that — when they’ve tried their best and tried their hardest and they haven’t gotten ahead. Eventually you just snap and say, “Enough is enough and I’m going after what I want and what I deserve and I don’t care who I have to take out in the process. I’m doing it. I’m making it.” To feel that myself and then have everyone in full support of that, it was a great moment.

Becky Lynch On The Fans Reactions To Her Feud With Charlotte:

They’re reacting and they’re entertained. They’re enjoying the feud. It’s just a matter of what side that they’re on. Some people are on my side and some people are on Charlotte’s side. I do see it on my Twitter feed and Instagram, that I’m getting a lot more hate as it goes on. But it’s OK, I’m going after what I want. The people that are behind me, they’ll stay behind me. The people that aren’t, well that’s fine. I’ll just go ahead and succeed in spite of them.

Becky Lynch On Evolution:

It’s amazing. This is what I envisioned when I came over to WWE. I always felt that I wanted to be the women to be the coolest thing on TV. I wanted to make it that way. Through everybody’s hard work, past present and future with NXT and the Mae Young Classic, this has been deserved. It’s something that I think the fans are going to really enjoy. They’re going to really enjoy it a whole lot more if the SmackDown women’s champ is main eventing it and walks out with the title.

That’s just the tip of the iceberg of this great interview. To read the full thing, click HERE