Photo Credit: NWA

NWA 70 Live Results (10/21): Nick Aldis Regains The NWA Championship, New National Champion, Jazz Makes A Surprising Challenge

NWA National Heavyweight Championship Qualifier Match B: Parrow vs. Willie Mack vs. Jay Bradley vs. Ricky Starks

Parrow was eliminated early on due to what looks like a botched count because everybody including Jim Cornette on commentary mentioned that he had his shoulder well off the ground before 3. The remaining three battled on until Starks caught Bradley in a surprise powerbomb which Willie Mack followed up with a five-star frog Splash eliminating Jay Bradley. Ricky hit a spear on Mac for a close two count but Willie Mack would eventually hit the stunner and move on to the finals.

Post-Match: Jenn Decker interviewed Willie Mack who was confronted by Samuel Shaw. Mac called him a crazy mofo and said something to the effect of you better be ready to handle this. Decker literally asked the men to have a stare-down and that’s when Jay Bradley attacked Mac from behind and James Ellsworth made the save.

I’ve got to tell you guys on a personal note I am really sick of James Ellsworth.

A video package aired for Tim Storm versus Peter Avalon. Before the match, both men agreed that the loser would kiss the winner’s foot.

Tim Storm vs. Peter Avalon

Storm came on pretty hot with a backbreaker for a near fall and followed that up shortly after with a powerbomb for a second near fall. Avalon tried to bounce back and hit a nice crossbody for two. Ultimately, Storm got hooked by Avalon’s manager but when Avalon came charging in for a hit storm moved and his manager went flying. Tim Storm then hit a Black Hole Slam for the three count.

Winner: Tim Storm

After the match, Avalon tried to weasel out and have his manager kiss Tim’s foot which he did. Then, storm grabbed Avalon by the hair and made sure to rub his face into is exposed foot. Jim Cornette made the amazing call of “tucked into the tootsies.”

The Women’s Championship match is next…

NWA 70 Results Continue On The Next Page…


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