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NJPW Road To Power Struggle Results (10/26) Jr. Tag League Continues

SEVENTH MATCH: Super Jr. Tag League Match: Los Ingobernables de Japon (BUSHI & Shingo Takagi) (6 pts) vs. The Firing Squad (Taiji Ishimori & Robbie Eagles) (4 pts)

Takagi and Ishimori start the match. They lock up. Takagi gets Ishimori on the ropes and breaks clean. They trade holds. Takagi slams Ishimori. Ishiomori dodges a senton. Ishimori wriggles out of an armbar. They break. BUSHI tags in. Eagles tags in.

Eagles kicks BUSHI in the gut. Eagles dropkicks BUSHI, mid-leaprfrog. Eagles gets BUSHI on the ropes. Eagles chops BUSHI. BUSHI fights back. Eagles hits a springboard armdrag. Shingo runs in. Eagles huts a hurricanrana. Eagles hits a Somersault Senton over the top rope onto BUSHI and Takagi. Eagles rolls BUSHI back in the ring.

Eagles works over BUSHI’s leg. Ishimori tags in. Ishimori locks in a heel hook. Ishimori locks in a deathlock. BUSHI gets to the ropes. BUSHI hits a double hurricanrana. Shingo tags in.

Shingo hits a corner lariat on Ishimori. Shingo hits Eagles with a Death Valley Driver. Takagi hits a knee to the gut. Takagi hits a Brainbuster for two.

Ishimori rolls up Takagi. Ishimori locks in a Yes Lock. Takagi gets to the ropes. Ishimori hits a springboard enziguri. Eagles tags in. BUSHI tags in.

Eagles works over BUSHI in the corner. BUSHI gets to the top rope. BUSHI hits a Missile Dropkick. Eagles hits Shiranui on BUSHI for two.

BUSHI fights back. Takagi and BUSHI hit a Uranage/Backcracker combo for two. Eagles and Ishimori double team BUSHI. Eagles covers for two.

Eagles gets a nearfall. Eagles climbs to the top rope. Eagles hits a 450 Splash to BUSHI’s leg. Eagles locks in a the Figure Four Deathlock. Takagi breaks up the submission with a Sliding Lariat.

BUSHI and Eagles trade blows. BUSHI hits a Canadian Destroyer for two. BUSHI climbs to the second rope. BUSHI hits MX on Eagles but Ishimori breaks up the pinfall.

Ishimori dodges a Burning Hammer. Takagi hits Ishimori with Pumping Bomber. Takagi and BUSHI hit a Wheelbarrow Codebreaker on Eagles for the pinfall.

WINNERS: Los Ingobernables de Japon (8 pts)


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