Photo Credit: New Japan Pro Wrestling

NJPW Road To Power Struggle Results (10/27) LIJ/Suzuki-gun Main Event

SIXTH MATCH: Super Jr. Tag League Match: Soberano Jr. & Volador Jr. (2 pts) vs. Roppongi 3K (SHO & YOH) (6 pts)

YOH and Volador start the match. They trade holds. They trade lucha spots. Volador removes his mask.

Soberano tags in. SHO tags in. They lock up. SHO locks in a headlock. They trade shoulder tackles and then evade each other’s offense. They’re evasions grow more and more acrobatic. SHO chops Soberano in the corner. Soberano hits a springboard enziguri. Soberano hits a Hurricanrana. YOH tags in.

YOH hits a drop toe hold. SHO hits a sliding dropkick. YOH bodyslams Soberano. YOH covers for two.

SHO tags in. SHO and YOH hit stereo big boots. SHO hits an axe handle. YOH tags in.

YOH hits a huge kick. YOH hits a Northern Lights Suplex for two. SHO tags in.

Soberano fights off the double team. Soberano hits a springboard dropkick/body splash combo. Volador tags in.

Volador hits a springboard plancha. Volador hits a handspring back elbow. SHO and YOH slide to the floor. Soberano hits a moonsault plancha to the floor. Volador hits an Asai Moonsault. SHO and Volador get back in the ring.

SHO counters a Handspring Back Elbow with a Deadlift German Suplex. YOH tags in. Volador counters a Falcon Arrow. Soberano tags in.

Soberano climbs to the top rope. Soberano hits a Tornado Crossbody for two. Soberano hits a springboard moonsault for two.

YOH hits a springboard enziguri. YOH climbs to the top rope. Soberano hits an enziguri. Soberano climbs to the top rope. SHO and YOH hit a Tower Of Doom. Volador hits a springboard frog splash.

SHO and Volador exchange chops. They trade forearms. SHO hits a backbreaker. Soberano hits a Missile Dropkick. Soberano hits YOH with a back body drop. SHO and YOH hit 3K out of nowhere for the pinfall.

WINNERS: Roppongi 3K (8 pts)