shawn michaels
Photo by Steve Granitz/WireImage

Shawn Michaels Makes In-Ring Return, DX Beats The Brothers Of Destruction At Crown Jewel

Shawn Michaels Makes In-Ring Return, DX Beats The Brothers Of Destruction At Crown Jewel

WWE Hall of Famer Shawn Michaels has made his long anticipated in-ring return today at the Saudi Arabian WWE Crown Jewel pay-per-view and it turned out to be a memorable occasion for The Showstopper.

Michaels teamed with long-time DX comrade Triple H, as the duo squared off against the team of The Undertaker and Kane, a.k.a. The Brothers of Destruction.

Michaels made his return after being away from the ring for more than eight years:

WWE captured Michaels’ very first maneuver after being away from the ring for nearly nine years:

There were many classic spots in the bout between the four wrestling legends; including an Old School, Superkicks, Sweet Chin Music, Hell’s Gate, & a patented HBK flying elbow drop:

When all was said and done, DX was victorious after Triple H (who was earlier choke slammed through an announcer’s table) hit Kane with the Pedigree and the pinfall.

Bill Pritchard’s Wrestlezone match recap follows:

Triple H and Kane start things early, then Michaels tags in and hits a double axe handle off the top. Kane sits up and Michaels goes for a sunset flip, but Kane blocks so Michaels looks for Sweet Chin Music. Kane backs off and Michaels motions that he could’ve hit Kane just then, and Taker doesn’t look happy about it and tags himself in. Taker and Michaels go face to face, with Taker doing his throat slash gesture, but Michaels does the DX chop. Taker knocks him down and works on Michaels’ arm, then follows with a shoulder tackle.

Triple H tries to get involved but he gets sent outside, then Michaels is tossed out as well and Taker and Kane stand tall while DX regroups. Michaels and Triple H end up back in the ring, and Triple H wears Kane down after a bit of back and forth and looks to make the tag. Michaels chops Kane a few times and drops him with an elbow, then Michaels kips up and hits Kane with an atomic drop. He punches Taker and knocks him off the apron, then Triple H comes back in and assists with a double team suplex.

Michaels tunes up the band but Kane blocks Sweet Chin Music, then he drops Michaels with a chokeslam and makes the tag. Taker punches Michaels in the corner, then looks for a chokeslam but Michaels catches him offguard with Sweet Chin Music. After everyone makes it to their feet, they fight near the commentary table, with Taker knocking down Michaels while Kane puts Triple H through a table. Taker hits a legdrop on the apron and rolls Michaels in for a cover, then Kane and Taker continue to work on Michaels while Triple H is still down at ringside.

Michaels finally sees an opening after Taker pulls him back outside, and shoves Taker face first into the ringpost before going back after Kane. Michaels ends up on the top turnbuckle but Kane cuts him off, and Michaels back him off with a punch and Kane’s mask comes off. Michaels hesitates and says ‘what the hell’ before connecting with a moonsault, and drops both Kane and Taker on the floor! Triple H makes it back to the corner and Michaels gets the tag, then Triple H drops Kane with a knee strike and Taker walks into a spinebuster. Triple H whips Kane outside and turns back into Hell’s Gate, then Michaels (by Taker) and Triple H (by Kane) both get lifted for Tombstones. Michaels rakes Kane’s eyes and Triple H kicks Taker, then Michaels hits Taker with Sweet Chin Music to take him out of the equation. Michaels then hits Kane with Sweet Chin Music and Triple H puts Kane down with a Pedigree for the win.

Winners – Shawn Michaels

RELATED: WWE Crown Jewel Complete Results




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