WWE RAW spoilers

WWE RAW Results (11/5): Braun Strowman Hunts Baron Corbin, New Tag Champions Crowned, Kurt Angle Returns, More

Backstage, Natalya says she is going to wear her dad’s glasses to the ring tonight.

The Riott Squad vs Sasha Banks, Bayley, and Natalya

Riott tosses Natalya out of the ring. Logan tags in and beats Natalya down outside the ring. The Riott Squad takes turns working over Natalya. After the break, Natalya tags in Banks. Banks hits a top rope Meteora. Banks puts Morgan in the Banks Statement. Riott breaks up the hold. Bayley tags in and blast Riott with a running knee. Second rope stunner by Bayley. Riott falls to the outside. Bayley dives out of the ring onto the Riott Squad.

Back in the ring inside cradle by Riott. Bayley kicks out. The Riott Squad works over Bayley. Bayley manages to tag in Natalya suplexes Logan. Logan counters Logan into a wheelbarrow facebuster. Riott breaks up that pin. Natalya puts Logan in the Sharpshooter. On the outside of the ring, Riott holds up Natalya’s father’s glasses. Riott snaps them in half. Riott stomps on the glasses. Natalya cries as Banks and Bayley comfort her.

Winner- No Contest

Backstage, Strowman stomps around looking for Corbin.

Jinder Mahal w/Sunil Singh vs Apollo Crews

Mahal gets a hot start, but Crews eventually drops Mahal with a dropkick. Mahal sends Crews out to the apron. After a distraction by Singh, Mahal drops Crews with a running knee. Crews eventually turns the tables and hits the gorilla press slam into the standing moonsault for the win.

Winner- Apollo Crews

WWE RAW Results Continues On The Next Page!


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