Photo Credit: AXS TV

NJPW World Tag League Night 1 Results (11/17) LIJ/CHAOS Battle

FOURTH MATCH: World Tag League Tournament Match: FinJuice (David Finlay & Juice Robinson) vs. Ayato Yoshida & Shota Umino

Yoshida and Finlay start the match. They trade holds. Yoshida gut shots Finlay. Yoshida locks in a headlock. Yoshida hits a shoulder tackle. Yoshida hits a hiptoss.

Umino tags in. Umino and Yoshida double team Finlay. Finlay fights back. Juice tags in.

Juice dominates Umino. Juice slams Yoshida. Juice hits a senton. Finlay tags in. Finlay gets a nearfall.

Finlay gets another near fall. Juice tags in. Umino fights back with a series of strikes.

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Yoshida knocks Finlay off the apron. Juice hits a big kick. Finlay tags in. Yoshida fights off the double team. Umino tags in.

Umino hits Juice with a Belly To Belly Suplex. Yoshida and Umino double team Finlay. Umino hits a Missile Dropkick for two. Umino locks in a Boston Crab. Juice runs in and saves his partner.

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Umino has Finlay in a Boston Crab. Finlay fights to the ropes. Umino gets a series of near falls on Finlay. Finlay and Robinson double team Umino. Robinson hits Left Hand Of God. Finlay hits Stunner. Finlay covers for the pinfall.

WINNERS: FinJuice (2 pts)

FIFTH MATCH: World Tag League Tournament Match: TenCozy (Hiroyoshi Tenzan & Satoshi Kojima) vs. Yuji Nagata & Manabu Nakanishi

Nagata and Kojima start with a furious strike exchange. Tenzan tags in. Nakanishi tags in.

Tenzan and Nakanishi trade strikes and shoulder tackles. Nakanishi hits a shoulder tackle. Nakanishi hits a big splash for two.

Tenzan hits Mongolian Chops. Tenzan and Kojima double team Nakanishi. Nakanishi drops Kojima with an axe handle.

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Nakanishi and Nagata attack Kojima’s arm. Nakanishi hits a body slam. Kojima fights back. Kojima hits a DDT. Tenzan tags in.

Tenzan dominates Nakanishi with chops. Tenzan hits headbutts. Tenzan hits a brainbuster. Tenzan covers Nakanishi for two.

Nakanishi fights back. Nakanishi hits a big lariat for two.

Tenzan fights off the Argentine Backbreaker. Brawl erupts. Kojima and Tenzan double team Nakanishi. Tenzan locks Nakanishi in the Anaconda Vice. Nagata breaks up the submission.

Nagata tags in. Nagata hits a series of mid kicks. Tenzan hits Mountain Bomb. Kojima tags in.

Kojima hits Machine Gun corner chops. Kojima counters an Exploder with a Cutter. Kojima hits a brainbuster for two.

Nagata locks in a Fujiwara Armbar out of nowhere. Tenzan breaks up the submission.

Wild brawl. Nakanishi hits a spear. Nagata hits an Exploder Suplex on Kojima for the pinfall.

WINNERS: Yuji Nagata & Manabu Nakanishi (2 pts)