Kevin Owens
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Kevin Owens Challenges Music Icon To A Match At WrestleMania

Kevin Owens

Kevin Owens and his wife were all set to see rock ‘n roll legend Elton John when his farewell tour came down to Florida this week, but unfortunately, Elton had to cancel due to taking antibiotics over an ear infection. Due to the postponement, Owens, in true heel fashion, challenged the icon to a beat down on the “Yellow Brick Road” at WrestleMania 35 (or also known as KO Mania IV):

Owens has had his brush-ups with musical icons before, most notably with Shania Twain, who Owens is a huge fan of. While at a concert of hers in June, Owens was called on stage by Shania after sending her several Tweets in the hopes that she would play her song “When” at the show. Owens didn’t get his wish that night, sadly, and yet again, he’s been disappointed by his concert ventures.

RELATED: Kevin Owens On THAT Brutal Attack On Vince McMahon, Working With Braun Strowman And More


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