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Road Warrior Animal Responds To Becky Lynch & Tyler Breeze’s Recent Remarks

Road Warrior Animal was recently the subject of controversy after recent remarks on his What a Rush podcast regarding WWE Superstars Becky Lynch and Tyler Breeze.

Road Warrior Animal went as far as to suggest Lynch should ‘back off the man thing,’ and questioned her toughness, saying she’d be more believable as a ‘white meat babyface.’ Obviously, Lynch didn’t take well to Road Warrior Animal’s comments and retweeted our story:

Tyler Breeze also took issue with Road Warrior Animal’s contention that Breeze was little more than a ‘185 pound job guy.’

Road Warrior Animal returned to his What A Rush podcast to address both Becky Lynch and Tyler Breeze, and did not back away from his initial remarks, “First of all, Becky Lynch needs to get over herself, first and foremost. When Becky Lynch can achieve what I’ve achieved in the sport of pro wrestling, then she can call me out. Other than that, she has not earned her stripes to call me out. I just want to make that perfectly clear and I don’t think anybody in the wrestling world will have any objection to that.

Animal also claims that he previously called Becky Lynch ‘the hottest female going today in the sport of wrestling’ and that ‘the women were stealing the show.’ He adds, “So, Becky, where’s the compliment in saying that you’re the hottest female? Where’s the compliment of saying the women stole the show at WrestleMania, at TLC, and so on?”

Animal wasn’t amused with Lynch’s tweet, “If Becky Lynch is going to try to even have a comeback against a multi-time Hall Of Famer and what I’ve done in this business – she’s won one belt in her life and that’s the WWE belt. Hawk and I won 22 different championships in 22 different companies, come on. I’ve wrestled people all over this world, not just in WWE. I’m not putting down Becky, but when you get the kind of stroke that I’ve had in this business and when you’ve laid the kind of foundation that I have for her even to have a job today, then you can call someone out. I’m not trying to be derogatory right now, but I’m just trying to be blunt honest.”

He then contends that Becky Lynch needs to ‘get over herself,’ “Basically she just needs to get over herself and realize that this is the entertainment business. People are gonna have an opinion; good bad, indifferent, medium, down the line, whatever and I gave her more compliments than I did negative. If she just wants to pull out the little negative thing and let the positive things go by the wayside. That’s exactly how I feel about it.”

Animal said he’s put over Lynch in the past and continued, “If someone wants to hang her hat on one little comment, as compared to ten positives, I rest my case. They are thinking about their own ego, rather than the big picture. If I were to be so worried about anything that anyone said about Hawk & I in our day – are you kidding me? I would have jumped off the fricking Missouri River Highway in St. Louis years ago, if I would have been worried about anything negative anyone ever said about us.”

The WWE Hall of Famer wasn’t about to let Tyler Breeze off the hook either, “This is for your Tyler Breeze. Put your 180 pound ego aside. I’m sorry if you don’t like to hear me say that. Here’s the thing. You and Fandango were great together, an entertaining tag team. It’s not my fault, nor anyone else’s fault that WWE uses you guys as a couple of job guys and that’s exactly what they do. They give you a win here or there and then they smoke you for a year. That’s exactly what they do to those guys and if anyone thinks that he’s gonna take the Intercontinental Belt off of anybody they’re sadly mistaken. There’s no way they’re gonna do it. Now if they give him a serious push and give him win after win after win and give him some steam, well then yes, of course, people will get behind him.”

Road Warrior Animal adds, “Tyler, the 180 pound thing was a figure of speech. You are one of the smaller guys in a big big man’s business. I’m not being mean. That’s just the way the average fan – here’s the thing I look at the wrestling business the way an average fan looks at the business and what I’m telling you right now is what every fan out there thinks about. When you’ve got guys like Sheamus and you’ve got guys like Rusev and you’ve got guys like fricken [Braun] Strowman in there, well what do you think they think when they see a guy like Tyler. It’s nothing against Tyler. Daniel Bryan is a smaller guy and he is great and I’m not saying Tyler is not great. I did say they’re great. I loved him and Fandango together, but without them two together nobody really knows them individually anymore. It would be like separating New Day and calling them by their individual names. When you get associated with a team, it’s better off staying with a team. That was my point. It wasn’t a cut on Tyler. Check your ego. You guys know it’s the entertainment business. You work for WWE, an entertainment company. It wasn’t a dig on Tyler. Come on, give me a break. These little people getting their panties in a bunch about this stuff is really getting old. They need to get a backbone and not get so sensitive when someone makes a comment.” He continues, “You got to not take this thing way too serious. It’s the entertainment business. People are gonna give you comments left and right.”

Readers may listen to the What A Rush podcast in its entirety below:

RELATED: Road Warrior Animal Thinks Becky Lynch Should Back Off ‘The Man’ Thing, Takes Issue With Women Main Eventing