WWE SmackDown Live Results

WWE SmackDown Live Results 1/22/19

2-Out-Of-3 Falls Match: Rey Mysterio vs Andrade

Andrade back elbows Mysterio. Andrade puts Mysterio on his shoulders. Mysterio turns it into a head scissors. Andrade rolls out of the ring. Mysterio springboards off the top rope and hurricanranas Andrade. After the break, Mysterio kicks Andrade in the head. Mysterio catches Andrade with a springboard seated senton. Mysterio tries another springboard but Andrade dropkicks Mysterio in midair. Andrade sets up the Hammerlock DDT. Mysterio reverses it into the code red. Andrade rolls up Mysterio with a hand full of tights. Mysterio kicks out. Andrade trips Mysterio while Mysterio is on the ropes. Mysterio is clutching his knee. Andrade puts Mysterio on his shoulders while he is on the top rope. Mysterio fights out of it and sets up a super ranna. Andrade reverses that into a Blond Bombshell (top rope powerbomb). Andrade gets the first victory.

Andrade 1- Mysterio- 0

Slingshot powerbomb by Andrade. Mysterio kicks out. Andrade sets up a third powerbomb. Mysterio counters it into a Mexican Destroyer for the pinfall.

Andrade- 1 Mysterio-1

Andrade charges at Mysterio in the corner. Mysterio moves out of the way. Andrade falls to the outside. Mysterio tries to slide under the bottom rope but Andrade catches him and tries to hit the DDT. Mysterio drives Andrade into the barricade. Mysterio gets back in the ring. As Andrade is bent over, Mysterio slides under the ropes and sunset flips Andrade into the barricade. Mysterio hits the West Coast Pop but Andrade kicks out! Andrade traps Mysterio in a rope hang cross arm breaker. Andrade sends Mysterio into the turnbuckle arm first. Mysterio hurricanras Andrade off the apron. Andrade lands on his feet. Mysterio tries a rolling ranna but Andrade powerbombs Mysterio into the ring post. Andrade sends Mysterio back into the ring and Hammerlock DDTs him. Mysterio puts his foot on the bottom rope. Andrade puts Mysterio in a Fujiwara armbar. Mysterio escapes. Andrade puts Mysterio in an electric chair. Mysterio counters it into a reverse ranna. Mysterio hits the 619. Mysterio sets up Dropping the Dime. Samoa Joe appears out of nowhere and powerbombs Mysterio on the apron. The referee calls for the bell.

Winner- Rey Mysterio

After the match, Joe sends Andrade into the ring post. Joe puts Mysterio in the Coquina Clutch. Joe grabs a mic and says he told us all that he came here to make a statement. What we see in this ring tonight is exactly what Joe is going to do to the other men in the Royal Rumble. Randy Orton appears out of nowhere and RKOs Joe.

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