Impact Wrestling Results

Impact Wrestling Results 2.1.19

Moose and Killer Kross vs Johnny Impact and Brian Cage

Impact and Moose start off with a pose off. Impact kicks Moose in the gut as he tries to pose. Moose floors Impact then finishes his showboating. Impact takes Moose over with a ranna. Moose kips up. Kross tags in. Impact tags in Cage. Cage and Kross meet in the middle and Kross throws the first punch. Cage and Kross trade shots until Cage takes Kross over with spinning head scissors. Cage slams Kross down to the mat. Impact tags himself in and lands a senton atomico. Impact gets a near fall. After a distraction by Moose, Kross crushes Impact with a nasty gut wrench powerbomb.

Moose and Kross take turns beating down Impact. Impact finally manages to tag in Cage, who clears the ring. Cage sends Moose flying clear across the ring with a German suplex. Cage sets up the Drill Claw. Kross breaks it up with a head kicks. Cage German suplexes Kross but Kross pops right back up to his feet. Moose hits Go to Hell on Cage. Impact surprises Moose with a corkscrew crossbody block. Kross breaks up the pin. Impact superkicks Kross. Impact hits the ropes but Moose boots him on the face. Cage waist locks Kross. Impact tries the disaster kick but Kross moves out of the way. Impact kicks Cage in the head. Cage tries to clothesline Impact but Impact ducks. Cage clotheslines Moose. Cage and Impact argue. Moose Spears Impact. Cage just stands there and watches as Moose gets the pinfall.

Winners- Moose and Killer Kross


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