Impact Wrestling Results

Impact Wrestling Results (2/15/19)

Backstage, Team Impact argues.

Willie Mack vs All Ego Ethan Page

Mack lands a flying back elbow. Mack lands a few chops in the corner, followed by the first titty twister I have ever seen in pro wrestling. Page trips Mack then hits a snapping DDT by Page for a near fall. Page blast Mack with an enziguri off the top rope. Mack catches Page with a boot in the corner. Running corner senton by Mack. Mack lands a Samoan drop followed by a standing moonsault. Page kicks out. Mack lands the Mack Stunner for the win.

Winner- Willie Mack

In Ring Segment: Sami Callahan

Callahan says he has one last offer for Rich Swann. Swann joins Callahan in the ring. Callahan pitches to Swann one more time. Swann throws the oVe shirt into Callahan’s face. Callahan tries to run but Swann dives off the top onto Callahan. Callahan pokes Swann in the eye. Callahan drags Swann up the ramp. Callahan piledrives Swann on the stage. Callahan tosses Swan off the stage. Swann goes through a table.


Team Impact (Eddie Edwards, Sami Callahan, Fallah Bahh, and Eli Drake) vs Team AAA (Puma King, Aerostar, Psycho Clown, and Vikingo)

Clown and Callahan yell at each other. Clown takes Callahan down with a springboard followed by a powerslam. Aerostar tags in and Clown slingshots him into a dropkick on Callahan. Drake tags in and hits a pop up reverse powerslam. Drake tries the same thing on Vikingo, but vikingo reverses it into a DDT. Edwards sends Vikingo to the outside. King tags in and hits a delayed brainbuster on Edwards. King goes up top. Edwards pulls King off the top into the backpack stunner. Edwards tags in Bahh, who destroys King with a belly-to-belly suplex. Bahh steamrolls King. Callahan tags himself in.

A huge brawl breaks out between everyone in the ring. Drake a Callahan attack Team AAA from behind. Clown hits a senton over the top onto Drake and Bahh. King springboards to the outside onto Edwards and Bahh. Aerostar lands a dive. Bahh sets up a dive but thinks better of it. Bahh dives off the apron into the crowd. Vikingo springboards off the rope into the 054! Vikingo goes up top again. Drake cuts Vikingo off and powerslams him off the apron onto the rest of the competitors. Drake is about to his King with Edwards’ kendo stick. Edwards ripes the kendo stick out of Drake’s hands. King rolls up Drake for the pin!

Drake has been eliminated.

Impact Wrestling Results Continue On The Next Page!


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