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Paige On Becoming Divas Champion, The Rock’s Idea For The Movie, Her Start In Wrestling

During a recent interview with People, WWE superstar Paige opened up about several topics as she continues to promote the release of the Fighting With My Family movie.

RELATED: Paige On The Evolution Of Women’s Wrestling, What’s Next For Her

On her start in wrestling:

“One of the girls didn’t turn up for a show. My dad was like, ‘Get in the ring. You have to fill in tonight.’ I was like, ‘Uh, okay.’ And then as soon as I walked out of the curtain and into the ring, I just fell in love with it. I was like, yup, this is what I want to do.”

On her brother not making it to WWE:

“We thought we’d either both make it or we both won’t make it. We never thought it’d just be one of us. That’s where the problem came in. It wasn’t because he was jealous of me in any way, but it was that he was upset because he lives and breathes wrestling. He’s loved it so much since a young age, and it’s just frustrating to him for his sister to get it. It caused a little bit of a riff in our relationship, but in a couple months he came around.”

On becoming Divas Champion:

“It was something that I’d been fighting for for so many years, and to get the opportunity to be the Divas Champion, it just soothed my mind because I wasn’t a typical Diva. I didn’t look like the rest of the divas. I was the oddball, the misfit. The reception from the fans was amazing. Even when I watch it back now, it’s insane to me.”

On The Rock’s idea for the movie:

“It all started with Dwayne. I didn’t know it was going to be made the day of Wrestlemania 2014. I get a text on my phone, ‘Hey, it’s DJ. I would love to talk to you at some point today.’ I didn’t know who D.J. was! I didn’t know he had a nickname. And then I go, I get taken to his room, he comes in, he’s like, ‘Hey, I just want to let you know that I stumbled across your documentary. And I fell in love with the family. I fell in love with your story and I think it’s so beautiful and so relatable that I want to do a movie on it.’”