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Photo by New Japan Pro-Wrestling/Getty Images

NJPW 47th Anniversary Show Results (3/6) Champion vs. Champion Main Event

THIRD MATCH: Taguchi Japan (Satoshi Kojima, Tomoaki Honma, Tiger Mask, Ryusuke Taguchi & Dragon Lee) vs. Suzuki-gun (Minoru Suzuki, Taichi, Yoshinobu Kanemaru, El Desperado & TAKA Michinoku)

Taichi now has Takashi Iizuka’s bag of tricks. Desperado and Dragon Lee start the match with a flurry of offense. Dragon Lee hits a shotgun dropkick. Tiger Mask tags in.

Tiger Mask hits a kick. Tiger Mask hits Tilt-A-Whirl Backbreaker. Kanemaru hits a low dropkick out of nowhere. Desperado and Kanemaru double team Tiger Mask. Desperado goes after the mask of Tiger Mask. Desperado chokes Tiger Mask with his boot.

TAKA tags in. TAKA dominates Tiger Mask. TAKA goes after the mask. TAKA stomps on Tiger Mask’s head. Kanemaru tags in and maintains dominance.

Kanemaru hits a Scorpion Death Drop. Tiger Mask hits Tiger Driver. Honma tags in. Taichi tags in.

Honma hits a shoulder tackle. Honma chops Taichi. Honma hits a bulldog. Taichi dodges Kokeshi. Taichi hits a Buzzsaw Kick. Taichi covers for two.

Taichi rips off his pants. Honma dodges the Thrust Kick. Honma hits a tackle. Honma hits Kokeshi. Kojima tags in. Suzuki tags in.

Kojima hits Machine Gun chops. Kojima hits a corner forearm. Kojima climbs to the top rope. Suzuki recovers and knocks Kojima to the canvas. Suzuki’s chest is bleeding. Suzuki hits a Penalty Kick. Kojima sits up. They trade blows.

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Suzuki locks Taguchi in the Sleeper. Suzuki-gun attack Taguchi. Suzuki hits a Penalty Kick. TAKA hits a Shining Wizard. TAKA covers. The pin is broken.

Taguchi counters a crossface with an ankle lock. Suzuki-gun break the submission. Wild brawl erupts. Taguchi hits Bomaye Hip Attack on TAKA. Taguchi covers for two.

Taguchi counters Michinoku Driver with an Enziguiri. Taguchi hits Dodon for the pinfall in 11:05.

WINNERS: Taguchi Japan

A wild brawl erupts after the match.