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Colonel Robert Parker Talks Hulk Hogan’s Immediate Success, His WCW Run

Colonel Robert Parker was interviewed by The Hannibal TV and discussed his interactions with Hulk Hogan. Not only did he talk about their early career moments, but he discussed what changed after he became a huge star in WCW.

Check out highlights below:

Transcription by Senior Editor Tyler Treese.

On Hulk Hogan starting in his Continental Wrestling territory:

Hulk came in and he was green. Like we did with a lot of big guys, we had guys like Danny Davis that trained guys, and when we got a big guy like that then we would marry them. We’d get an angle going between them. In Hulk’s case, we said here’s a bear hug, use it, and listen to Danny.

Hogan’s immediate success:

Hulk was one of those guys that we saw immediate money in. We had difficulty getting a good match out of him, but it didn’t seem to matter. That was really crazy because in our territory, you had to be able to back up your mouth. If you make a great interview, that’s fine, but you better follow it up with a great match. We had difficulty getting that great match that we wanted but we never got cut short on the dollar figure of people coming through the door. People loved Hulk and were there for him.

Hogan’s big feud with Harley Race:

Harley worked with him in Alabama. We had a building that seated 5,000, and we had to go to a football stadium because we drew close to 15,000 people with Hulk and Harley. We had only had Hulk there for two and a half months and it takes longer to get a guy over like that but [he was different]. Harley can work with a broomstick if he needed, so he got a good match out of Hulk.

His interactions with Hogan after he joined WCW:

[He treated me well] for the most part. Jimmy Hart, his manager, when they came into Atlanta, I was hot. I was the hottest thing there by far as a manager. They wanted that to change. I saw their need for that and I was thinking it was time to think it was time to find another place to go. I never held that against Hulk. He had a lot of authority with WCW and I knew there might be some problems, but business is business. Not everyone is going to be happy. There comes a time when you have a five to seven year run and you’re on the top, so we’re not going to cry about someone else getting a push.

Check out the full clip below:

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