WWE SmackDown Live Results

WWE SmackDown Live Results (3/19/19)

Randy Orton is next. Orton slams Kingston into the barricade. Orton says to the crowd, “He (Kingston) ain’t your guy… Trust me. Stupid!” Kingston sends Orton into the ringsteps. Orton clotheslines Kingston. Orton puts Kingston in a rear chin lock. Kingston gets to his feet. Kingston misses a dropkick. Orton stomps Kingston. Orton tries the RKO. Kingston avoids it and hit Trouble in Paradise! Orton rolls out of the ring. After the break, Kingston lands a crossbody off the top. Orton reverses it into a pin. Kingston kicks out. Hangman’s DDT by Orton. Orton calls for the RKO. Kington sidesteps and rolls up Orton for the win!!!!

Randy Orton has been eliminated

Winner- Kofi Kingston

Big E. and Xavier Woods run down to the ring and celebrate with Kingston. Mr. McMahoon walks out on the stage and tells Kingston congratulations. Mr. McMahon tells Kingston he is going to WrestleMania as long as he can defeat this one last opponet. Mr. McMahon tells Woods and Big E. that they have to leave now. Daniel Bryan walks out.

Daniel Bryan vs Kofi Kingston

Bryan attacks Kingston. Kingston fires back with a few strikes of his own. Bryan clotheslines Kingston. Bryan puts Kingston in the tree of woe. Bryan kicks Kingston in the chest over and over again. Belly to back superplex by Kingston. Bryan puts Kingston in the LeBell Lock. Kingston gets to the ropes. Kingston hits the SOS. Bryan kicks out. Bryan lands multiple corner dropkicks. Kingston rolls up Bryan. Bryan kicks out. Kingston misses a springboard. Bryan traps both of Kingston’s arms and stomps on Kingston’s face. Bryan drops Kingston with the running knee for the win.

Winner- Daniel Bryan


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