WWE SmackDown Live Results

WWE SmackDown Live Results (3/26/19)

Before the next team comes out, Sheamus and Cesaro attack Woods and Big E. Sheamus and Cesaro put Big E. through a table. The next team is the Smackdown Tag Champs, the Usos. Jimmy and Jey are chomping at the bit for the match to start. Big E. can’t stand. Jey grabs a mic and says they have fought wars against each other. No one deserves a WWE Championship match more than Kingston. The New Day has earned the Usos’ respect. Jimmy and Jey forfeit and walk away. Backstage, Daniel Bryan and Rowan are losing their minds. Bryan destroys the locker room.

Daniel Bryan and Rowan is the final team. Rowan tosses Woods around outside the ring. Byan drives Big E’s knee into the ring post. Big E. tries to fire up but Bryan rolls Big E. into a single leg crab. Woods breaks it up. Woods sends Rowan to the outside. Topé by Woods. Bryan tries to hit a corner dropkick on Big E. Big E. catches Bryan and hits a nasty uranage. Big E. hits the Big Ending. Rowan breaks up the pin. Rowan hits his finisher on Big E. Big E. kicks out. Bryan tells Rowan to clear off the table. Woods dives off the apron and tornado DDTs Bryan. Big E. clotheslines Rowan over the announce desk. Big E. turns the table over to crush Rowan, who is the legal man. Rowan is counted out! Kofi Kingston is going to WrestleMania!

Winners- The New Day

Backstage, Mr. McMahon is leaving the arena. When asked if Kingston is going to WrestleMania, Mr. McMahon says yes. The question now is can a B+ player defeat Daniel Bryan.


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