Brutus Beefcake
In The Star's continuing series of upclose looks at the world of pro wrestling; Greg Valentine takes on Brutus Beefcake; who's struttin' his stuff at left.

Hulk Hogan Helps Brutus Beefcake Cut & Strut His Way Into WWE HOF

After the chaotic Hart Foundation induction, the 2019 WWE Hall of Fame rolled on, with Brutus “The Barber” Beefcake getting his chance at induction. Prior to his entrance, the legendary Hulk Hogan came out to a loud ovation to introduce Brutus, detailing about how Hulk and he started out as friends and climbed their way into the ranks of the WWE.

When it was time for Brutus to come out, he did so with his iconic pair of clippers, and proceeded to explain the history behind his career as a wrestler and the transformation he took to become the barber.

After initially not liking the idea, it was Hogan who helped Brutus warm up to the idea, and eventually, it became one of the most popular characters the company has seen. Thanks to Hogan, Brutus said, he was able to come to grips with changing his character, and thanks to that change, he is a member of the WWE Hall of Fame.

RELATED: Fan Tries To Tackle Bret Hart During WWE HOF Induction