Impact Wrestling Results

Impact Wrestling Results (4/12/19)

Backstage, Eddie Edwards and Eli Drake ask the Lucha Bros for a title shot. LAX comes out of nowhere and attacks the Lucha Bros.

Backstage, Fallah Bahh is walking around looking for someone. Bahh eventually runs into Scarlett Bordeaux. Bahh thanks Bordeaux. Bordeaux offers to be his tag team partner next week.

Johnny Impact and Taya Valkyrie vs. Brian Cage and Jordynne Grace

Impact refuses to get in the ring. Valkyrie gets in Cage’s face. Grace attacks Valkyrie. Running clothesline by Grace. Grace sends Valkyrie into the corner hard. Swagger bomb by Grace. Valkyrie kicks out. Valkyrie makes it to the corner, but Impact drops off the apron. Grace tags in Cage. Now Impact has to get in the ring. After the break, Impact lands a few strikes. Cage catches Impact’s kick. Cage picks up Cage and does a few curls. Cage tosses Impact clear across the ring. Impact surprises Cage with a corkscrew springboard splash. Cage back body drops Impact. Cage lands multiple corner clotheslines. Impact tries to tag in Valkyrie. Cage cuts him off. Impact goes throw Cage’s legs and tags in Valkyrie. Impact trips Grace, which allows Valkyrie to get a near fall.

Valkyrie works over Grace’s arm. Running powerbomb by Grace. Impact tries to drop an elbow on Grace. Grace moves out of the way. Grace tags in Cage, who tosses Impact all over the ring. Cage goes for the F5. Impact reverses it into moonlight drive. Roaring clothesline by Cage. Grace suicide dives into Impact. Valkyrie spears Grace. Cage hits a tope on Impact. Cage picks up Impact for the Drill Claw. The referee Johnny Bravo chop blocks Cage. Impact hits the shining wizard on Cage for the win.

Winners- Johnny Impact and Taya Valkyrie

After the match, the heels beat down Cage.


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