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Road To Wrestling Dontaku Results (4/13) Los Ingobernables In Main Event Tag Action

THIRD MATCH: Satoshi Kojima, Yuji Nagata & Shota Umino vs. Suzuki-gun (Minoru Suzuki, Yoshinobu Kanemaru & El Desperado)

Suzuki-gun decided to switch things up by attacking before the bell, as opposed to their usual routine of attacking before the bell. In the ring, Umino quickly fights back against Desperado, chopping away on his chest. Suzuki distracts, and disarms Umino and drags him out of the ring. Everyone brawls on the outside™.

Desperado gets back in the ring. Suzuki rolls Umino back in the ring. Suzuki tags in. Suzuki dominates Umino. Suzuki tortures Umino with a Camel Clutch. Suzuki transitions to an elevated-half crab. Suzuki continues manipulating Umino’s limbs in various, torturous ways. Kanemaru tags in. Suzuki throws Umino out of the ring. Everyone brawls on the outside™.

Suzuki rolls Umino back in the ring. Umino fights off Yoshinobu Kanemaru. Nagata tags in.

Kanemaru and Desperado get thrown around by Nagata. Nagata hits Kanemaru with an Exploder Suplex. Nagata covers for two. Nagata locks in Nagata Lock II. Desperado breaks up the hold. Desperado hits Nagata with a spear. Suzuki tags in. Kojima tags in.

Kojima batters Suzuki with Machine Gun Chops. Suzuki fights back. Kojima blocks a Penalty Kick. Kojima hits a Cutter. Umino tags in.

Umino pummels Suzuki to no effect. Nagata, Kojima & Umino triple team Suzuki. Umino hits a Missile Dropkick. Umino covers but Desperado & Kanemaru break up the pin.

Suzuki locks Umino in a Fujiwara Armbar. Suzuki transitions into a double Fujiwara Armbar. Umino fights to the ropes.

Umino gets a series of nearfalls on Suzuki. Suzuki hits the Gotch Piledriver for the pinfall in 11:22.

WINNERS: Minoru Suzuki, El Desperado & Yoshinobu Kanemaru


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